Series -

Todd Hollow Series (Not for the faint of heart.)
Deadly Games
Deadly Affairs

Coming Soon - Weston Cove Series

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Year Passed

I'm sure others will agree when I ask where in the heck did 2010 go?  I mean not to sound too cliche but it seems as if we were just getting into 2010 when here we are almost into 2011.   I'm not sure I care for the idea that the time is speeding by at break neck speeds that leave me wondering what I did over these last 12 months of THIS year.

Okay I did manage to put up a mini series on which has been earning a steadier rate of readers. 

I managed to get into my laptop ALL the letters written between my parents during WWII (160) that actually tells the tale of a delightful love story as well as why my parents stayed together for over 65 plus years before they passed on seven years ago.

My production level as a writer has somehow not kept up with my goals to produce.  I am hoping that in 2011 both will get into sync once again so that I can complete the projects that are in process of becoming more that just WIP's on a back burner.

Meantime, I'm gearing up to celebrate in incoming new year and hope that things will turn around for all of us so that we all accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves whatever goals they may be.

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